The roasting of the coffee beans converts the physical and chemical properties of the green coffee beans in to the Roast Coffee Beans products. It is the roasting process which produces the featured flavor of coffee by inducing the green coffee beans in order to alter and to make expansion in the density, smell, taste and color. Even the coffee beans which are not roasted contain the same caffeine, protein and acids as roasted coffee beans but the only difference is that the un-roasted ones lack taste.
The green coffee is much stable than the roast coffee beans but the roasting process inclines to take a place which is near by to where it will have to be consumed. It actually minimizes the time which the roasted coffee expends in the distribution, which aids in maximizing the shelf life of it. The large portion of coffee is really roasted commercially on a wide scale, but few drinkers roast the coffee themselves to have greater control all through the flavor and the freshness of the coffee beans.
The roasting process of coffee contains sorting, then roasting, then cooling and lastly packaging operations. On larger scales, it also includes grinding in the roasting houses. In large scale houses the packets of the green coffee beans are opened with machines, then dumped into the hopper and are screened in order to remove the debris. After that the green beans are weighed and are transferred to the storage hoppers via pneumatic conveyor. The roasters operate at temperature range between 370 and 540 degrees that is 188 and 282 degree Celsius and are roasted for about 3 to 30 minutes.
Colombian Coffee Bean History dates back to earlier times of 1800’s of course in Colombia. Today various types of coffee are introduce in Colombia like Maragogype, Caturra, Typica and Bourbon.
Colombian Coffee Industry has really done an appreciable job in promoting the special coffees of the Colombia. All the coffee types available in Colombian market are over rated and great examples are present. The Colombian coffee beans freshly roasted are robust in flavor, has bright acidity factor and is extremely aromatic. Colombia manufactures over 12% of coffee through out the world. The various regions in Colombia which produces coffee are Bogotá and Bucaramanga in the eastern mountainous region, and Medillín, Armenia, and Manizales (MAM). The MAM coffee is popular for fine acidity, rich flavor and heavy body. The Bogota is lesser acidic than Medillin but also holds the brightness and richness. Then the Bucaramanga is really mild and often rich in flavor of Sumatra coffees and heavy bodied.
In recent years the largest development in the coffee industry is the hike of Fair trade coffee beans. You must have noticed that various supermarket coffee products to be labeled as fair trade coffee. These products refer to the hike in economic and political movements which are designed to make a fair and equalized partnership all amongst consumers purchasing coffee and also the coffee producers in the main areas of coffee plantation. Fair trade coffee is actually developed in order to help the coffee farmers who are too poor who produce high level of epicure coffee in the organic conditions. It has rectified the largest inequities of the economy of the coffee industry……..